Thursday, September 25, 2008

101 Posts

I missed it at the time but "Poli-ticked Off" was post number 100. I can't believe I've been doing this for so long- or that I've managed to stay on this one blog the whole time. It's very amusing, and somewhat depressing, to read my old posts. I'm not really sure how far I've come, but it is kind of nice to have a record of the path. So happy 101. Thanks for reading!

In other news I dropped my fall class today. Work continues to be very busy; our CIO has big plans which sadly seem to require large amounts of work from my unit. Doing school work, and completing my "incomplete" from my summer class, was just too much. I'm kind of ridiculously excited to be free so I definetely think it's the right thing to do. It's putting me way behind on my master's program though.

Preseason hockey has begun (Go Canes!) and it was a lovely 64 degrees today, though rainy. NC State beat ECU in football last weekend, I've already bought my Halloween costume and the new season of "The Office" premieres tonight. I love fall!

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


It's politics season. Once every four years my favorite time of year (yeah, fall!) is marred by the Battle for the White House. Ok, "marred" might be too strong a term. I think it's wonderful that we have a chance to select our leaders, locally and nationally. Even though the people I vote for almost always lose I recognize that this is an important process and take my vote very seriously. I always investigate my options and make my voting decisions based on the canidates records and their plans for the future.

But I do think that your political opinions should be just that: opinions. If you want to share them with others, that's fine. Just remember not everyone is going to agree with you! It seems as though some people take their political decisions almost as seriously as their religion (in some cases, more seriously!). When these people hear you're not voting for the canidate they've picked, they seem to take it personally and consider it their mission to change your mind. There isn't much that I despise more than someone not respecting my opinion, and I hate it when those people turn out to be friends and co-workers.

On a semi-related note, I really am tired of the media treating the women differently than the men in this race. It's 2008. The only thing more ridiculous than people telling Hilary to "get back in the kitchen" is the fact that it wasn't reported because it was so prevelant. And now Sarah Palin can't be a mom and the VP? Anyone who questioned McCain or Obama's commitment to fatherhood would be laughed out of the room- why the double standard? In my opinion a woman (or a black man for that matter) is far overdue in the White House and I'm glad to see that, one way or another, advancements will be made.

One more "feminist" point: I don't have that many female friends, but of the ones who are married, I know that two of the three make more money than their husbands (I'm actually not sure about the third). These women have chosen careers in challenging, dynamic industries and they've worked very hard to get there. They are also the breadwinners and, whether they like it or not, they'll always have the pressure to work.
In their case it's considered working hard to better themselevs and their situation and it's the bearing the burden of responsibility for the family's well-being. But when Hilary does it she's needy, controlling and desperate, and when Sarah does it she's neglecting her family. Let's try to have a conversation about Sarah and Hilary as canidates instead of as women, or let's start talking about John, Obama and Joe as men (oh, wouldn't that be interesting...).

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Facebook Know I'm Fat

I stumbled across a pretty interesting article today about how Facebook mines your personal preferences and profile information. Then it uses that data to select the ads that appear on your pages so that they're tailored to you. For example, if you're single, as I am, you're likely to see a bunch of singles ads. And I do.

What other ads am I blessed with?
  • "The SuperModel Diet" and "The Oprah Diet"
    I guess if you're 29 and single it assumes you're fat? Or does someone judge my picture? I'm actually not that offended, mostly curious.
  • "29 and Alone Again?"
    That's just low.
  • "Tech Jobs on {blank}.com"
    No way am I doing their advertising for them.
  • "Unlimited Wii Downloads"
    I am officially a "fan" of the Wii...
  • "Love Graphic Design?"
    Why, yes. Yes, do. Good job.
  • "Take control of your Career with {blank} University!"
    Facebook knows I hate my job?
Apparently Gmail also does this, only it searches through the body of your email for keywords to target its ads. I really don't know if I'm creeped out or impressed. I don't think I have much control over it either way but I'll definitely be paying more attention to the ads I get from now on. You know, just to see if I'm gaining weight or anything.

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