In fond rememberance of 2007
I have to say that for the most part, 2007 was a great year for me.
I won $5000 and used that to buy my first house. I bought a "new" car. I've had the pleasure of getting to know my nephew (who is P-R-E-C-I-O-U-S). I finished up three more classes towards my masters and while my job got more stressful, I also got a better position and more money. As years go, I can't complain.
But of course I'm going to. A good friend miscarried. I paid too much for my house which, post housing-bubble, is painfully clear. I've had not one but two power problems (this is ongoing; I'll update soon). The only travel I did was to NY (for a long weekend) and Charlotte. I remain single and I'm increasingly doubtful that will ever change.
I really want to be positive and I really do know how much I have to be grateful for. In fact, I can't help but feel apprehensive that things are too good, and something bad is coming.
I also have this terrible habit where I always wonder if I'll still be single "this time next year". And I always am! So this year I'm just going to focus on me. Me making my house what I want it to be. Me getting myself in shape. Me going places I want to go with people I want to go with. I'll do my best to enjoy life as I have it, by myself. And if someone wants to join me, I'll consider it when the time comes.
PS-- I just made that decision, this second as I was writing it. But I think it's a good goal and as good a resolution as any. It sounds a little... selfish, so I'll have to look out for that. Wish me luck!
Happy 2008!