Saturday, March 29, 2008

I'll be the one talking to myself in the corner...

My boss made a joke the other day - a "joke" - that I can't have a boyfriend because I don't have time. Well, it's 11:30pm on a Saturday night, date night, and I am at work. I really hope this is as low as it's going to get but I just don't know.

Last two weeks in 30 seconds or less:
Saw shop-happy aunt and uncle for a day which was great but depressingly short; won an award for working so much; trying to find a wii so I can can wail on some Banjo Hero (Legends of Bluegrass); cuzin moved to cute new house; schoolwork is really cramping any social life I might have had; 'Canes making the run for the playoffs- go boys, go!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Baby News (no, not mine)

I've mentioned in passing that my cousin, Yorii (not her real name-- I know, a shock) is pregnant. She reached a certain age and, still single, decided she would take matters into her own hands. One donor and some hilarious and heart-breaking antics later, she's seven months along.

In her exceptional wisdom she has decided that it is I that she wants as a coach, supporter and cheerleader in this process. So my duties will include helping her through labor, driving to the hospital (that is going to S-U-C-K), fighting for her wishes in the delivery room, keeping the ice water (no ice chips!) coming, cutting the umbilical cord (squishy!) and many other tasks that vary between exciting, scary, deeply emotional and gross.

This weekend was the childbirth class. Two days, eight hours each and loaded with lots of interesting information. Also a lot of very disgusting videos. Right now I feel quite prepared, which is surely quite misleading. I'm much more concerned about my preparation in two months time and my stamina for the whole process. I'm also a little concerned that seeing a woman have a baby will sear my memory and I'll never want to have a child of my own. I'll be sure to report on that post-partum.

I learned tons of cool words and anatomical details in class. Again, I'll spare you the really horrible stuff and give you an innocuous example. The top of the uterus, which contracts and bunches up as the woman goes through labor (in order for the cervix, at the bottom, to open) is called the fundus. The spell-checker has no clue what that is. To me it sounds like a party-platter. Woohoo!

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The mean reds

It's 11:45pm. Not that late really but since I've been trying to fall asleep for almost an hour the time has gone by agonizingly slowly. I've read, had the TV on, TV off, played mind-numbing games on my cell phone, and lain in the dark thinking of soft sandy beaches. I've tried thinking of nothing. It's all been spectacularly unsuccessful.

I'm thinking about work, and all the stuff I haven't done. Thinking about school, and all the stuff I haven't done. Thinking about my pregnant cousin and all her crazy stress, thinking about my office NCAA tournament pool that I've done nothing to prepare for, thinking about my weight and the fact that I gained three pounds last week in NY (despite being sick while I was away- not the best trip ever), thinking about the fact that I'm supposed to get up and go to the gym in, uh... less than five hours.

And those are the not-so-dark-and-depressing thoughts. Somehow all the stupid little things I have to worry about seem to be a catalyst for the big concerns that can usually be ignored. The combined mass is, well, it's keeping me awake for one thing. I can't shut off my brain. I feel like I need to take a giant step back from everything. And wasn't my vacation supposed to help me do that? Damn it!

I hate to post this sappy, whiny crap and I'm pretty sure I have a rule against posting this late at night for just this reason. Now I need to re-read this tomorrow to make sure it doesn't say anything too stupid. Great-- something else to do.
